Chiropractic doctors practice natural, drugless, non-invasive health care and rely on the body's ability to self-heal. Sounds ideal, but just how does it work?

We look at the whole picture

Like other health-care providers, we follow a standard routine to gain information about the patient. We consult, review the case history, conduct a physical examination, and we may request laboratory analyses and/or x-rays. Unlike other health-care providers, however, chiropractic physicians also conduct a careful analysis of the patient's structure and pay particular attention to the spine. We also ask you about your life- Do you eat well? Exercise at all? How do you deal with stress? Do you have children? What do you do for work? And so on.

We seek the origin of the problem

Using this information, a diagnosis is made. Included in the diagnosis is the probable reason for your pain or discomfort. It is important to note that chiropractors seek the origin of the illness in order to eliminate it-we do not simply treat the symptoms.  If your roof is leaking, do you simply catch the drips in a bucket for years on end, or do you repair the roof to prevent it from leaking? Similarly, if the migraine headache you've had all week is being caused by misaligned vertebra and an irritated nerve, do you continue to take pain killers indefinitely, or do you realign the vertebra to prevent the pain? You get the picture.

We fix the origin of the problem

Chiropractors have a term for misalignments: subluxations. A vertebral subluxation is a misalignment of the bones that protect the spinal cord. It's a leak in the roof. Or a kink in the wiring of your nervous system.  The severity of the subluxation can vary, and there are a number of potential contributing factors that can be physical, emotional, mental, or chemical. The subluxation can be caused by any number of incidents, from birth trauma to an auto accident to simple repetition or over-use.

In this section, you will find articles on the mechanics of chiropractic care, its effects, and misconceptions. 

  • Love Others

    Although you may have never seen a doctor write a prescription for daily doses of "love," best selling authors such as Deepak Chopra M.D., Bernie Siegal M.D., and Dean Ornish M.D. all write about the healing properties of love. Dr. Ornish says, "love may be the greatest of all disease-fighters, and it's

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  • Quit Smoking

    Smoking throughout the day is akin to living inside a burning building. Smoking degrades the collagen of your skin causing premature aging, destroys the cells inside your lungs, and promotes heart disease, cataracts and cancer because of the oxidizing radicals released into the blood stream. It can contribute

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  • Read the Labels

    Just about every packaged food made in the U.S. has a food label indicating serving size and other nutritional information. Learning how to read food labels is like looking at a prescription for your health and your life. We recommend looking for red-flag ingredients- if a Hall of Shame ingredient is

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  • Turn off the Television

    There are three major trends in the health of both children and adults that have public health workers concerned: an increase in obesity, attention deficit disorder (ADD) and the amount of time spent watching television. Several recently published research studies indicate that television may be the

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  • Identity

    The big distinction about wellness psychology is that it is largely a manifestation of your identity, who you believe yourself to be. If you consider yourself a well person, it goes a long way toward producing well habits and a well mind. Your identity is your self image, your self concept, your beliefs

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  • Personality

    Healthy people express themselves consistent with their personality types, so there is a wide spectrum of normal behaviors that could contribute to achieving wellness. The technical end of wellness psychology encourages normal responses to the challenges of life, rather than just treating mental and

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  • Quality Of Life

    Our own values and beliefs will shape our definition of a great quality of life. A well person or family seeks to live consistently with their own meaning for living well. The most obvious and desirable benefit of a well mind is a better quality of life, which of course is determined by each individual's

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  • Relationships

    Sharing and committing to support each other's values calms rocky waters and sets the stage for happiness and growth in relationships. While you can't be responsible for someone else's behaviors and values, you can help to create an environment that makes relationships work better. Gaining and maintaining

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  • Spirituality

    Appreciating religious values and spiritual beliefs can help form a solid foundation of wellness in your life. No discussion of wellness psychology would be complete without mentioning the impact of spirituality on wellness. Appreciating religious values and spiritual beliefs can help to form a solid

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  • Wellness Psychology

    Is this glass of water half empty or half full? Wellness psychology would definitely indicate the latter. Wellness psychology is the study of mental and emotional wellness - in other words, the way to create conditions of thinking and feeling that are consistent with healthy living. Wellness psychology

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  • PMS

    Several studies have shown that chiropractic care can help decrease many of the symptoms of PMS without the potential side effects of prescription drugs. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is characterized by mood swings, swollen abdomen, headaches, back pain, food cravings, fatigue, irritability or depression

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